The Rich Man's Daughter is a Filipino drama series to be broadcast by GMA Network starring Rhian Ramos (previously Marian Rivera), Luis Alandy and Glaiza de Castro. It is set to premiere on May 11, 2015 replacing Second Chances on the network's GMA Telebabad primetime block, and also air worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV.
As Jade (Played by Rhian Ramos) discovers something about herself and upholds her personal truths, will she still be able to experience unconditional love from her family and friends? Will she be able to hold on to her personal truths and fight for her love even if it will destroy her family? She is a woman looking for answers. Is she willing to break her family's traditions? The youngest and only daughter, Jade is the family’s jewel. When she meets Althea, everyone’s perspective of her life and personal changes.
- wikipedia
Watch The Rich Man's Daughter June 30 2015
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